Sweet Paws Box -FAQs

Where do I log in to manage my subscription account?

  • Your box will be shipped around the 25th of each month. Please allow 3-5 business days for delivery.

  • When you sign up, you will be charged for the next box to be shipped. If it is before the 15th of the month, it will be for the current months box.

    If it is after the 15th, it will be for the next months box.

    Your recurring subscription payment will then be taken out around the 15th of every month, until you cancel the membership.

  • Please email us at


    Please include your order number or name on the subscription, so that we can address your question as soon as possible!

  • It’s super easy! Please log into your account to make any changes. You will be able to skip a month, change a preference or even cancel, if needed.